The Circle In The Grey

all the rediculous melodrama of an opera, but this is no stage. this is real.

December 29, 2005

Funny Michigan Dinner

So funny story here.

So my family and i went out to eat dinner tonight in Michigan. We went to this sort of semi-formal buffet type restaurant, where you are supposed to wait to be seated and then, once you are seated, you can help yourself to the buffet and pay at the end. One small detail. My family and i came into the buffet restaurant through a back door instead of the main entrance (yes, it said not to use that door, but being the people we are we ignored it thinking it didnt really matter). That being the case, we failed to notice the incredibly large line of people that was formed at the main entrance, all waiting to be seated and waiting for their turn to eat in the buffet. Apparently, this was a popular dinner choice and we weren't the only ones wanting to eat there! So being oblivious to both the seating requirements as well as the large line of people already waiting to be seated, my family and i simply waltzed right into the dining area of the buffet through the back entrance, grabbed the nearest free and clean table available, and dove right into the buffet line. Leaving an entire line of people waiting for a spot behind us. Hah. We didn't notice the line at the main entrance and all the (angry?) people until well after we were done our meals, at which point we realized how rediculous our mishap was.

Hah, ok so maybe this story isn't as funny as i thought it was. It may have been one of those "you had to be there" stories. My apologies.


At 12:21 AM, Blogger ty said...

No, no, I'm pretty sure that that's pretty dang funny. rock on. way to stick it to the man!

hope you are having a wonderful vacation

At 1:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh steph. definetely a "had to be there".. .but i was there, and it was hillarious.. like you could see the drool from the people waiting in the endless line..and there we were, enjoying our. salad, macaroni, squash, and beans.

At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sigh steph...Only you and yours. Your halrious, and I miss you.


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