The Circle In The Grey

all the rediculous melodrama of an opera, but this is no stage. this is real.

October 29, 2006

Void of the Innocence of Perfection

Alright, so it's about time to update this void. At least, that is what i have been told more than a few times now. i have had many good intentions to in the last month or so, but life has a way of throwing you curve balls (as the saying goes) out of nowhere that can be completely consuming. And when i say curve balls, i truly do mean curve balls. Like rediculous angles that you wouldn't believe are possible - i sure did not. But that's another story to be told another time.

Which reminds me of the book "The Never-Ending Story." Now there's a great read. i don't have a copy of it out here in the prairies with me, but now that this thought has popped into my mind, i think i really want to search for one. Really, i would strongly suggest it. At least, six years ago, when i last read it, i definitely would have. But maybe that was just because Mike recommended and loved it so much. I was always one to trust that opinion.

i don't have anything in particular to blog about momentarily. Usually my poetic juices run amok and overflow, or, at the very least, my words formulate themselves in artistic, vague patterns to produce what are, hopefully, glimpses of written art rather than thoughts and babbles on a page. None of that is present right now. I wonder how long until it will be until it is again. In some ways, i have had life completely sucked right out of me, and with that life goes creative capabilities and inspirations. Sometimes i wonder if i would rather keep what i know, what i hold fiercly close to me, what defines me in many ways, like writing, over even my sanity. Scary thoughts, but holding some degree of truth nonetheless. Sanity is only worth much when it accompanied by personhood, identity, self. At least, that is what it seems like when personalized. But maybe i am just misguided. That happens every now and again. Regardless, this is not a topic i should be comfortable flirting with just yet.

It's like yesturday night. I was at a social, a Halloween one in fact. After the social, the floor, littered with beer and broken glass and dirt and paper and other unknown liquids, was just the perfect slippery-ness for me to be much too tempted to give up sliding on, especially because i was wearing "hot, strappy one-inch sandles." So i started spinning in circles, letting the wet, liquid-saturated floor propell me on. As you can imagine, shortly after i found myself sprawled completely un-gracefully on the same disgusting floor, beer seeping into my clothing, people staring bewildered and amused. Anyhow, that same incident illustrated completely, at least to me, what i mean by flirting with topics. Perhaps this means nothing to you, the reader, the wonderer. To me it does though, and just because of that i am not about to go back and delete this entire, possibly useless, paragraph. At any rate, the social was amazing just what we needed. Dancing the entire night away without thinking about anything. Dancing myself out of my head.

It is snowing outside today. The perfect snow. By perfect, i don't mean perfect as in glass- elevator-on-the-blackest-night perfect. I mean tiny drops of perfect, gentle, graceful snow barely floating down from the heavens. Complementing the November bareness entirely, a foreground for the dark browns, greens, blues and beiges that characterize the Winnipeg streets. Perfection. Ah, how my eyes will never be drawn away from seeking perfection in everything, even what i see. Perfection. The false allure of the hopelessly innocent.


At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


i can very clearly picture you spinning around and falling on your little bum. i love that you think you're graceful.

(if kelly is reading this...MILLIONS)

wookie woo

At 4:55 PM, Blogger kjnwilson said...

I suppose any moisture to those feet (whether it's beer or some unknown liquid)is a step in the right direction...

At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You take that back!

At 8:26 PM, Blogger steph said...

hahahahaha...thanks kelly. that one made me laugh pretty loud. Or out loud. Or whatever the saying is.

i thought they were an improvement this year!!

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dwight? THE dwight?

hoky crap! that's so cool.

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear kjnwilson,

His name is Dwight K. Shrute. Please use the proper spelling.

At 8:51 PM, Blogger steph said...

Kelly you're rediculous. Is it going to be 32 comments this time?

hi dwight.

At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for getting all defensive Steph. I didn't mean to overreact.

And for the record its 'Schroot.'

At 10:11 PM, Blogger kjnwilson said...

Actually your both duffus.'
Sorry to break it to you Steph, but its even worse. One of them is a fraud. It's not 'Schroot,' nor is it 'Shrute.'

Its 'Schrute.'

The internetmoviedatabase has it at that, and id take them over your loony pals trying to disappoint you any day.

At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually, it IS Schrute.

my proof:

At 10:12 PM, Blogger steph said...

Kelly did you just call me a duffus??! *shocked and appalled*

At 10:13 PM, Blogger kjnwilson said...

And who ever the anonymous author of message 6 is, dont tell me how to spell a word that I had not previously misspelt!
Steph you've got some wierdos on here.

At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you kjnwilson. your calm, rational,and slightly-above-average intelligence prevails again.

At 10:13 PM, Blogger kjnwilson said...

no i meant the person pretending he/she was 'Schroot,' and the other trying to tell me that it was spelt 'Shrute.'
Both Duffus.' Neither can spell.

At 10:14 PM, Blogger steph said...

oh well that's redeemable then. i was quite baffled...

At 10:15 PM, Blogger kjnwilson said...

yeah anonymous moron, but you spelt it 'Shrute.'
The link you provide me too spells it how I told you to spell it.

At 10:15 PM, Blogger kjnwilson said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous, why dont you go to hell

At 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear kjnwilson,

After consulting on the spelling of "duffus", I must inform you of your own misspelling.

"duffus" is incorrect.

doofus, dufus, or even doofus are acceptable. But NOT "duffus"


who's bad at spelling now?

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm sorry. let me correct myself. i meant doofus, dufus.
please forgive.

At 10:22 PM, Blogger kjnwilson said...

Who's bad at punctuation?

You will find that the word you spoke of is spelt several different ways, with the OakvillianUrbanDictionary, sharing my particular spelling.

Anyway that was not the word that was in question. We were discussing the correct spelling of 'Schrute,' and if you're the same Bodagit that told me it was 'Shrute,' and then provided a link to it being spelt 'Schrute,' then you have my sympathy.

At 10:23 PM, Blogger kjnwilson said...

Steph this is why a moderated blog helps. You can weed out those posessing the characteristics of a jackass!

At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'dwight' you can go to hell too!

At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you kjnwilson. your calm, rational,and slightly-above-average intelligence prevails again.

At 10:52 PM, Blogger kjnwilson said...

'slightly-above-average intelligence'

Want to put a name behind that claim, instead of hiding behind the 'anonymous'?

At 10:52 PM, Blogger steph said...

oh boy, lets keep it PG here, heh! And no one needs to go to hell over this...

At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have a feeling we can pick out a few that might though

At 11:28 PM, Blogger steph said...

Perhaps, but let's leave it at that.


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