The Circle In The Grey

all the rediculous melodrama of an opera, but this is no stage. this is real.

February 22, 2006

So Soft

So i wrote this little writing/poem the other day when i was completely out of ideas for an assignment and procrastinating and trying to get all that stuff out of my mind, in hopes that once it was emptied of the random jumbled words and thoughts, something more concrete would come out. Well, it didnt work. But anyhow, i decided to post it. Why? i am not entirely sure. There is nothing special or remarkable or significant about it. It just is. It is just a picture really. i guess i am posting it because it is different from anything i normally write. Apparently, my poems are said to be extremely ambiguous and difficult and dark. Maybe this is less of all of the former.

Poem About The Soft Light Of A Candle

held in its softly licking flames;
flames of fire that curl intricately on the walls,
mesmerizing and captivating with sharp and vaporish glares
of deep red and orange tips, and golden yellowness
and centers of white-blue sapphire;
dancing and teasing, and teasing and taunting
lit and let down beneath the charcoal-gray miasma of smoke
that smother any other light or image or movement out of the room.

February 18, 2006

Shakin The Bacon

i spent the weekend at Tyler's in Minnesota. With Mike and Matt as well. Definitely nice to get away from Prov for awhile, see some new scenary. Well, not really - where Tyler lives is not at all very different from where i live here. Even though Tyler tells me that it seems smaller. Other than about one mile (they don't have kilometers over there) where the road was closed in by trees, i didn't really think so. i think Ontario when i think smaller looking scenary. Sorry Ty.

Anyhow, our time in Minnesota was mostly characterized by playing the infamous game of Pass The Pig. This game itself warrants a completely valid reason for writing about our time in Minnesota! If you have never played Pass The Pig understand that you are missing out on a very extreme excitement and adrenaline-filled experience that comes from quite possibly the simplest game invented. i have been searching everywhere to find Pass The Pig since last year, when i was introduced to it, and discovered that it is quite possibly the last piece of essential "gear" that needs to be included on any backpacking (or other) trip from then on. Rachael, Renee, Erick, Alex and Matt - remember backpacking in KILLARNY? Some of the best games of Pass The Pig i have ever played, absolutely halarious. Mind you, just about everything was halarious on that trip after we all went dillusional and crazy after i think the first day! Anyhow, getting back on track, you can imagine my utter disbelief and hysteria upon discovering that not only did Tyler and Matt know the game, but both actually own it!

Suffice it to say, Tyler, Mike, Matt, Nate and myself definitely enjoyed many not-so-quiet rounds of Pass The Pig well into the wee hours of the morning. Ah, this is the good life. Especially watching Mike lose ALL his points three times in one game! And we still were able to watch random funny movies after all that excitement.

i love how the basic, sporadic things in life are always the greatest times. i love how the simplest things in life make up the best memories. i love friendships.

so let me have your hand and all else be forgot
and we'll live frozen in a clockless time for now
because soon i will not feel this anymore
soon knowing this will be gone

February 14, 2006


Happy Valentine's Day!

i like Valentine's Day. Some people do not. i have always been a fan of it though, not finding it necessary in the least, mind you...but simply enjoying it. There is something simple about it that appeals to me, perhaps something clear and uncomplicated and even a little fabricated that i find attractive. Sometimes i want the fabricated, sometimes i think we all do. Valentine's all reminds me of a poem by one of the best writers out there (and a personal favourite), Sylvia Plath:

The prince leans to the girl in scarlet heels,
Her green eyes slant, hair flaring in a fan
Of silver as the rondo slows; now reels
Begin on tilted violins to span

The whole revolving tall glass palace hall
Where guests slide gliding into light like wine;
Rose candles flicker on the lilac wall
Reflecting in a million flagons' shine,

And glided couples all in whirling trance
Follow holiday revel begun long since,
Until near twelve the strange girl all at once
Guilt-stricken halts, pales, clings to the prince

As amid the hectic music and cocktail talk
She hears the caustic ticking of the clock.

i also noticed something this year. Those little heart candies with the messages on them? Well they are definitely becoming dirty. This year i had the pleasant surprise of receiving ones that said "why wait," "anytime" and "how much," to name a few. Hah. It was definitely amusing.
have a good one.

February 10, 2006

What The Earth Will Come To

'if i can't have this then i am nothing'
said the upturned earth
after it had been shattered by the tempest
and left in pieces
'and living as nothing
is worse than not living'
broken fragments strewn about
caught in the wind now
gone forever, and that was all the earth could take
'dying never feels so good
as when you are becoming something through it'
i think it was true at that moment
perhaps to you simply a
horrid and terrific and desperate thought
who didn't feel what it felt
but i think for that broken earth it was true
and i think for that broken earth it was valid
i think it had good reason to mean what it said
to say that
'dying has never felt so good'
'dying has never been so right'
and it stared empty, vacant, and said
'all i can do is sleep
when my reason to stay awake is gone
and i am left as nothing
mock me, mock me, for wasting so much

soon i will be too dead to hear you'

February 01, 2006

Answers Anyone?

what do you do when you can't let go
of something that is destroying you?